Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kim Kardashian Hourglass Body On The Red Carpet

Kim Kardashian 19 Kim Kardashian Hourglass Body On The Red Carpet
Kim Kardashian Hourglass Body
Kim Kardashian’s still doing what she knows best. Show up. Yea, Kim’s showing up everywhere – restaurants, bars, nightclubs, my wet dreams, on TV, movies, music videos, porn sites, magazines, and basically the internet is intoxicated with her. Not that this is a bad thing – at least as long as you don’t really give a shh what she’s really about, and just enjoy her voluptuous body and her amazing, one of a kind lady curves.
I won’t brag about her (too predictable) early divorce or gossip around on her or her lifestyle. One thing’s for sure, she’s beautiful and her body is the only thing I know that can replace Viagra.