The first year of life – the most important in life. At this time there is a development of major systems of the body, and of course nature. Some parents believe that children under one year do not understand, but this opinion is erroneous.
Thus, the Basic Principles of Successful parenting Principle 1. Both the Participation of parents. According to many Women, Education of Children – this is a Purely Female thing, BUT this is not correct. Consistent and full Participation in the Education of Both parents – a pledge to protect Children from Risk of Behavioral disorders.
Wisdom lies in educating all of us from birth. She lives in our hearts. In order to understand it, we need only love. SO Listen to your Heart – and you CAN Feel and Understand the Needs of all your Baby.
Principle 4. Tune in Good Up to three years, Children Have an unusually strong Bond with HIS Mother. They feel all her feelings, fears and anxieties. So get over it and believe in the welfare of her child. Expect only the good of it. Will this help your Child Grow up a proactive, Independent, inquisitive.
Principle 5. Trust your child to bring up the responsibility
Let your child take an active part in family life. Toddler up to a year should be taken as often as possible in his hands. During this period, very important to him in constant contact with my mother for further normal development. Baby to become independent from her mother, it is necessary to pass the stage of absolute dependence on it his. Children of any age should always feel the support of parents and know that they will always come to their aid.