Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jennifer Lopez Wardrobe Malfunction

Eesh, my comments about Jennifer Lopez looking better now that she’s dropped the weird looking latino may have been a little premature. Here she is on the set of her new music video having herself a wardrobe malfunction, and not the good kind of wardrobe malfunction, the kind that makes you wish you’ve never seen this crap. Like the time I saw an old asian dude with his testicles hanging out of his bathing suit… You can’t un-see that. Anyhow, it looks like Jennifer might want to double up on the spanx next time. Not attractive.

Jennifer Lopez wardrobe malfunction

Jennifer Lopez wardrobe malfunction

Jennifer Lopez wardrobe malfunction

Jennifer Lopez wardrobe malfunction

Jennifer Lopez wardrobe malfunction

Jennifer Lopez wardrobe malfunction

Jennifer Lopez wardrobe malfunction

Jennifer Lopez wardrobe malfunction