Jury announced the winners of 53rd “World Press Photo” – the prestigious international competition for the best journalist photo in 2010. The best 22 photos are:
Kitra Kahana (fabric for Colors), “Rainbowland”
Charles Oman (Newsweek), “The day of inauguration”
Laura Panak (The Guardian Weekend), “Graham, anorexic teenager”
Stefano De Luigi (Le Monde Magazine), “giraffe killed by drought”
Adam Ferguson (The New York Times), “suicide bombing in Kabul”
Elizabeth Krojc, “Return of Lance Armstrong”
David Gutenfelder (Associated Press), “Fight with the Talibans”
Eugene Richards (The Sunday Times Magazine / Paris Match), “War is a personal thing”
Joan Bardeleti, “Weekly picnic in Mozambique”
Gihan Tubeh, Adrian, “thirteen years old autistic boy “
Malick Sidibe (The New York Times Magazine), “Fashion Portfolio: Prints and the Revolution”
Walter Astrada (Agence France-Presse), “Bloodbath in Madagascar”
Garrett Copley (Press Association), “Jonathan Trot”
Mark Vernaski (Pulitzer Center), “Guinea-Bissau”
Joe Petersburger (National Geographic Hungary), “Kingfisher”
Robert Gotije (Los Angeles Times Magazine), “Yankees Fans trying to dilute player Angels”
Donald Barry Junior, “World Championships for the men of steel”
Pietro Masturzo, “Protest from the Tehran roof”
Kent Klich, “Gaza, photo album”
Mohammed Salem (Reuters), “Israels attack on Gaza”
Annie van Gemert, “Boys and Girls”
Paul Niklen (National Geographic Canada), “Antarctica”