In the interview portion of the competition, Culpo, who is an active Twitter user, was asked a tough question from another Twitter user: "Would you feel it would be fair that a transgender woman wins the Miss USA title over a natural-born woman?"
Culpo handled the question with aplomb. "I do think that that would be fair, but I can understand that people would be a little apprehensive to take that road because there is a tradition of natural-born women, but today where there are so many surgeries and so many people out there who have a need to change for a happier life, I do accept that because I believe it's a free country."
On Monday morning, Culpo's Twitter feed was filled with updates as she made her way to New York. She wrote: "@MissUSA airport time!! En route to NYC with @MissTeenUSA and @MissUniverse :))) #NewYorkCity." For those curious about her airport eating habits the new Miss USA posted a picture of herself digging in at Cinnabon. Who says you can't have your stickybun and eat it, too?