Saturday, April 7, 2012

After 'The Hunger Games,' What Similar Movies Beg a Second Look?

Click through movies that are similar to "The Hunger Games."
Hunger Games Like Movies
Now that you've devoured the movie and the books, what else can you watch to fill that "Hunger Games" void? We have 10 suggestions.

Hunger Games Like Movies
"Winter's Bone": Jennifer Lawrence's first leading role as a girl of few words on a life-or-death mission to bring back her meth-cooking, bail-jumping father -- and save the family farm -- won her an Oscar nomination.

Hunger Games Like Movies
"Battle Royale": Some call it the Japanese "HG"; others say that "HG" is the American "Battle Royale." Either way, this disturbing story of middle-school students battling to the death with pot lids, scythes, and guns is way more graphic, and less forgiving, than the American smash hit.

Hunger Games Like Movies
"1984": George Orwell wrote the book on futuristic dystopias, and this classic is about a man who risks the new world order by falling in love -- and it was written when 1984 was still long in the future. The movie, starring John Hurt, came out in, you guessed it, 1984.

Hunger Games Like Movies
"Lord of the Flies": William Golding had no illusions about humanity in this disturbing novel turned movie about a group of proper British schoolboys stranded on a desert island who revert to the most uncivilized behavior.

Hunger Games Like Movies
"The Running Man": Before "Survivor," Stephen King penned this sci-fi adventure about an innocent man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) running a deadly televised race for his life. An over-the-top Richard Dawson protends the Stanley Tucci smiling MC role in “The Hunger Games.”

Hunger Games Like Movies
"Logan's Run": There's only one problem in the future circa 2274 -- your life ends at 30. Michael York tests the limits as a man who discovers there's more to life than state-mandated early death.

Hunger Games Like Movies
"The Island": Ewan McGregor thinks he's living in Eden, along with Scarlett Johansson, but goes on the run when he discovers he's just a clone raised to be harvested for body parts by the wealthy on the mainland.

Hunger Games Like Movies
"Rollerball": In the future, games are deathly serious -- like this gladiatorial version of roller derby, originally made with James Caan as the athlete who becomes too big for his skates (1975), and less memorably remade with Chris Klein (2002).

Hunger Games Like Movies
"Spartacus": Kirk Douglas starred in Stanley Kubrick's Oscar-winning classic as the warrior slave in imperial Rome whose courage in the gladiatorial arena sparks rebellion among the masses.

Hunger Games Like Movies
"The Immortals": "The Hunger Games" author Suzanne Collins has cited classic mortal hero Theseus as an influence. In Tarsem Singh's stylized bloodbath, "The Immortals," Zeus (Luke Evans) selects Theseus (Henry Cavill) as his champion to battle the evil King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke). Heads will roll. Humanity's existence will weigh in the balance.