Monday, February 20, 2012

Atlantis – The Lost World

Is it myth or truth? No one knows. For centuries, the story of the ancient and advanced civilization that inhabited the former island in the Atlantic Ocean has been told. There are yet no evidence whether this island that disappeared existed, but there is no evidence that it didn’t exist. Atlantis was an island of large size, supposedly located in the Atlantic Ocean near the Straits of Gibraltar. The first to mention this island is a Greek philosopher Plato in his writings. In his book “Crito” Plato spoke of Atlantis and its inhabitants but also the war of civilizations with the rest of the developed world. Plato described Atlantis as a large island, which occupied a large space between Europe and North America, near Gibraltar.
Atlantis   The Lost World

Atlantis   The Lost World
This island, according to Plato’s words, was very developed and modern island for the time. This island was rich with fertile land and minerals, and the population engaged in agriculture, livestock, mining… They dug and melted ore. This island was rich with the most valuable metal now – gold. According to Plato’s writings this island was very rich with a metal, so-called Orichalcum, that could be found only on this island. In the middle of the island there were two water sources. From one flowed cold water and hot from another. Around these sources they built pools and bathrooms. On this island there were several cities that were very well organized and very modern with large docks.
Atlantis   The Lost World
Atlantis   The Lost World
Entire island was run by Atlant with ten kings who have met every six years to pass and make laws. It was beautiful to live and grow up on this island, as people lived in prosperity in the rich country which has developed an entire culture. But all that stopped when people of Atlantis decided to invade the rest of the world led by the Greeks. What happened after that isn’t very well-known. The war started, and during the war, however, this island mysteriously disappeared. Plato writes in his book that Atlantis disappeared 9000 years before Plato’s time. There are many theories about the disappearance of this advanced civilization.
Atlantis   The Lost World
Atlantis   The Lost World
The most famous theory is that the island disappeared because they destroyed themselves by using a horrible energy that they were not allowed to use, then the theory that the gods punished them for depravity and decay of moral values as people of Atlantis became greedy and immoral. But the most acceptable theory is that destroying of the island is a natural disaster that has engulfed this island during the war with the rest of the world. There are assumptions that a series of earthquakes have taken place and completely destroyed the island that was flooded, more precisely tsunami caused by the earthquake. After that, for centuries people have tried to find this mystical island, even in these attempts were also found most of today’s continents such as South and North America.
Atlantis   The Lost World
Atlantis   The Lost World
Today nothing is known about this island, but today many believe that the satellite images of the bottom of the Atlantic show the lines crossing at right angles, which reminds of the streets and parts of the city, and many think that these are the remains of Atlantis while others, however, argue, that these are ordinary cracks (faults) on the bottom of the ocean that are characteristic for the Atlantic.
Atlantis   The Lost World
Atlantis   The Lost World
Atlantis   The Lost World