Monday, February 20, 2012

The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes

Everyone has heard about the mysterious phenomena that occur in space called a black holes. It’s still just assumed that these phenomena exist primarily due to difficulties to prove that something like this really exists. In many action and science-fiction movies we can see the black holes, at least how the filmmakers imagine them. There are different theories about black holes. We can hear the theories that these are very rare phenomena and therefore difficult to determine whether they exist, however, there are totally different theories from this theory that claim, that on contrary, these phenomena are common and very numerous and exist in almost all parts of the cosmos, even in our galaxy, the so-called “Milky Way” there is a huge black hole in its center.
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes

The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
Then there are various theories about their origin, but also on their general purpose. There are those whose thinking is closer to science-fiction films by which black holes are actually gates between different worlds and that all around us are parallel worlds that you can come to through these gates – black holes. Some believe that black holes are like whirlpools in the water only this whirlpools last forever and they suck in everything that comes in their way, so the planets which are sucked in actually spend an eternity in the maelstrom. Of course these are all assumptions of many scenarios that resemble Hollywood films. But it’s hard to tell whether this is true or is it just exuberant human imagination. What is certain is that all the scientists are convinced that this phenomenons do exist. They are almost sure that they do exist, thanks to modern technology with which they managed to reach the data that suggest that black holes really do exist even in our galaxy. These years scientists, with the help of modern telescopes, were able to detect X-rays from the galactic center what confirms that there’s a black hole in the center of the Milky Way. To discover a black hole is very difficult because it absorbs and sucks everything even the light, so it’s hard to see them.
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
Nothing in the galaxy can survive a black hole because they suck in all bodies of all sizes and content, where the black hole exists time stops, space disappears, light is absorbed. That is why scientists find it difficult to confirm the existence of black holes because there is nothing that could pass through a black hole or reach it without being sucked in and destroyed. It is assumed that black holes are actually created by destruction of the stars. It is believed that when stars run out of their nuclear fuel, they slowly begin to collapse and in their place this giant and terrifying phenomena is created. When the star begins to lose it’s nuclear fuel, the star is increasingly difficult to resist the gravitational force, then the star begins to collapse into a small volume and violates time and space and in some way drills hole in space that swallows everything that’s found nearby. Star is being eroded by increasing the force that attracts all around it, even light. This information came from observing two stars and one of them began to collapse and then began to suck in another star. Either way, scientists are more certain that they exist and that they are even close to us but, for the reasons mentioned above, it is difficult to observe them and generally get to them to determine their meaning, role and their development.
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes
The Phenomenon of Cosmic Holes